Ferrero Rocher vs. Nutella
Who are you creating this campaign for (which brand)?
I am creating this campaign for Ferrero Rocher since they could improve more on their social media activity.
What is your idea?
My Idea for Ferrero Rocher is to become more active on their Twitter page by launching a contest that requires people to use the hashtag #FerreroMovement. With this hashtag, people are required to come up with creative ways that they can use Ferrero Rocher in their lives and how it is incorporated in their daily life. The idea also consists of the company creating a blog where many of these participants' picture tagged with #FerreroMovement would be featured.
Who is your audience?
The audience would be anyone around the world who has an interest in chocolate, and wants a chance to win at something. It also targets people that have interest in picture taking and blogging.
What will it look like? (Create mock-ups, posters, infographics or Social Media sample posts)
A sample of how someone would participate would be a person using Ferrero Rocher chocolate in a cake recipe, taking a picture of it, then posting it to twitter with the hashtag #FerreroMovement
What are your goals? - outline the conversion you are looking for; likes, followers, subscribers, click a link, etc.)?
The goal for this campaign is to increase brand awareness and involvement on social media, specifically on Twitter and on the new blog. The idea is to get people excited about chocolate and give them the chance to get creative and express originality. This is something that is very successful with Nutella, as many consumers and fans post the various recipes and ways they use Nutella in their lives to social media.
When are you planning on launching (is there a time sensitive consideration; Christmas, New Year’s resolutions, back to school, summer travel, etc.)?
I believe that the best time to begin this campaign would be at the start of spring/summer due to the fact that around new years, people begin their resolutions which are typically to be healthier. Around the spring time, Easter comes around chocolate sales rise, plus people begin to lose sight of their new years resolutions.
What is your Social Strategy: which platforms are you going to promote this on – describe at least two platforms?
The campaign is Twitter and Instagram based for people to use the Hashtag, sine these are the platforms where we want to improve the most. But, the company's new blog will primarily be where the re-posts and featuring will happen (it will also happen on Instagram and Twitter).
How will this campaign attract, acquire, and engage your audience?
This campaign will attract and engage our audience through promotion on the company's most successful and popular social media platform, which is Facebook and Instagram. We will also use the company's social media for other countries, such as the Italian Twitter page since it has a lot more popularity than the North American pages.
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